Boracol deutschland

Boracol deutschland

Boracol 10RH for Teak Deck Treatment - YBW Boracol 10RH contains disodium octaborate and benzalkonium chloride which probably keeps the algae at bay for longer but I have not done a comparison. How to apply Boracol to your teak deck - Transworld Yachts Boracol B10RH is predominantly used as a biocide for the control of lichen, fungal and algal growth on stonework, concrete, brickwork, masonry and tiles. The disodium octaborate isn t an algaecide, it s a fungicide. More recently it has been used as a treatment against mildew on teak decks.

Wood Preservatives GC Supply BORACOL is a liquid wood preservative in three formulas to meet your wood preservation needs. Whether looking for a strong fungicidal, mouldicide or insecticide to kill attacks already in progress or seeking to protect new wood projects, one of the three environmentally responsible preservatives will effectively stop wood deterioration in its tracks. 20- Bekijk het bord wijnkistjes van greetgovaerts op Pinterest.

How to apply Boracol to your teak deck - Transworld Yachts

Boracol 10RH for Teak Deck Treatment - YBW

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Wood Preservatives GC Supply

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