Jasno swings

Jasno swings

JASNO shutters, venetian blinds, roman blinds and vertical blinds. The flowing movements of the individual louvers result in a harmonious and unexpected 3D effect. With its atmospheric and adjustable window decorations, JASNO guarantees an intense experience of the moment, and of the story taking place in the space enclosed. By pulling on an operating chain, the louvers are alternately set in motion delivering an eye-catching 3D effect. Via a single chain, the louvers are alternately set in motion.

The unique feature of our swings is that the louvers can be set at different angles.

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JASNO has won yet another award for vertical blinds: the Good Industrial Design (GIO) award. The unique feature of the JASNO swings is that using a single operating chain, the entire system can be alternately set in motion. JASNO swings: vertical louver blinds with a surprising 3D effect Meer bekijken.

In October 201 JASNO was also presented with a Good Industrial Design (GIO) Awar for the child-safe hanger system with which the folds are operated. Apr 0 20This is a product consisting of vertical louvers, with a different twist. The unique feature of these vertical blinds or JASNO swings is that they can be placed in a variety of surprising positions. Shutters are window screens with adjustable louvers, blinds are venetian blinds, folds are roman blinds and swings are vertical blinds with a surprising 3D effect. JASNO swings: vertical louver blinds with a surprising effect Atmosphere-enhancing and unique: the JASNO swings can be placed in different settings so that they create an unique effect.

JASNO swings, a unique type of vertical louver blin are atmosphere-enhancing and practical window covering suitable for use in windows in the living room, kitchen or office, etc. In January 201 the swings were presented with an iF Awar one of the best-known international awards for product design. Give your home additional allure with JASNO shutters, blinds, folds and swings.

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